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Horse Breaking and Training II

Division: Business and Applied Tech

Department: Business

Course: AGBS 2900

Title: Horse Breaking and Training II

Description: This course introduces more advanced principles and techniques used in starting and training young horses. It covers safety, equipment, handling principles, and techniques through practical application. Students will begin this course with a horse that was either used in the Horse Breaking & Training I course or with a horse that has no more than 30 days riding time. They will learn and apply techniques on this horse to take him from beginning riding under the saddle to work or competition suitable and marketable for sale. Students must provide or have access to their own horse.

Courses Taught Spring 2025

2900-0012128TTH2:30 pm-4:20 pmBagley, Kendra E.

Courses Taught Fall 2025

No courses to display for this term.